Welcome to the Baby Lab!

We are a team of scientists who study how human cognition develops from infancy to early childhood. We want to understand how children acquire amazing cognitive and social skills as they grow up. We use various research methods that are suitable for infants and children, such as eye tracking, neuroimaging, and behavioural testing. We hope that our collaborative work will reveal the mechanisms of human cognitive development and provide evidence to help solve social problems and address developmental disorders.

We would like to thank all the families supporting our research during the past two years, where the global pandemic has impacted our lives in many ways. From the Fall of 2022, our lab officially returns to in-person research, and we are excited to invite families to participate in numerous fun studies! Our lab is located at McMaster University in Hamilton, ON, Canada.

Please free to explore our website to learn more about our research projects and us! Hope we can see you soon!

If you are interested in having your child (aged 0 to 6 years) participate, you can let us know by filling out this short contact form, and we will be in touch shortly.

Annual newsletter from our group!

The last few years have been extremely successful with dozens of studies investigating how young children learn and develop. Our talented postdocs, graduate students, undergraduates, and research staff spend countless hours designing experiments, interacting with families, and analyzing data in order to understand the minds of children. We have gained new insights into the way infants and children learn about the world around them. This newsletter includes summaries of just some of the exciting research studies we have conducted.

None of this would be possible without the participation of families like yours. If you are receiving this newsletter, you probably contributed time and effort to support our science. THANK YOU! We could not do this without you and your little scientists. We rely on the community in Hamilton and the surrounding area, and we are deeply grateful to families who have visited our labs and helped spread the word about our work. Your efforts have made significant contributions to our understanding of child development.

We hope you enjoy reading about some of the research you have been part of!